27 oktober 2010

Underligt brev, del 2

Jaha, nu har jag fått ett till underligt brev. Är det någon sorts ny spam där de vill köpa istället för att sälja? Det här verkar vara från ett företag som faktiskt gör vad dom säger att dom gör.
WE'RE PAYING Top Dollar for Nortel, Cisco, Avaya, & many others!
Please check your stock & email us an equipment list.

We'll purchase 1 or 1,000 items, parts & complete systems, and complete warehouse inventories. We NEED surplus for refurbishing.

Send us your list, your time will NOT be wasted! If items remain on your list that we can't bid on, we'll help you sell those pesky items by referring you associate dealers for each specific item!
Jaha, vad säger man om det? Jag skickade ett svar som löd
Thank you for your request for a list of phone equipment I have for sale. I wasn't quite expecting this so I have actually not compiled a list, but I have some stuff you can buy if you are interested
  • one used mobile phone. I don't remember the brand and the speaker don't seem to work, but it works for sending SMS
  • an assortment of Ethernet cables. I have a collection of both new and used cables that I don't need any more
  • a grey phone made by Televerket. I don't know if it works. I was going to let the kids play with it, but they don't seem interested.
Please be in touch regarding what offers you have on my equipment. Please keep in mind the buyer must also pay for postage and packaging for shipping from Sweden.

Då får vi se om jag får något svar.

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